Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Hawk in the garden

Hawk - Back Garden Crowthorne

Well this morning we saw what we think is a Sparrowhawk in next door's back garden devouring what was once a pigeon. I grabbed the video camera and took this video of it. Its not often you get a hawk in the back garden round these parts!

Now updated with a bit clearer video!


Gil Miller said...

Pat and Phil - What great video. The hawk that you video taped is very similar to the North American Cooper's Hawk, known for hanging around feeders in the winter time. The attack can be nasty to watch, but these birds are really a thing of beauty. They just happen to reside higher on the food chain. The Cooper's Hawk is a frequent visitor to my backyard habitat (see The Cooper's Hawks are at (

PHIL AND PAT said...

Glad you like the video. I like your blog -great idea to do one on the wildlife in the backyard.